Our Strategy

Here At FBCM We Try To Help People Do Four Basic Things:

CONNECT to God and Each Other,
LEARN Jesus’ Teachings and Way of Life,
WORSHIP God Sunday and Everyday, and
SERVE others by meeting their physical, emotional
and spiritual needs.

CONNECT to God and Each Other: Life is better when we do it together! We weren’t meant to do life alone. Everything we do at FBC is in the contexts of relationships. More than a service, a program or ministry, it is through our connections with each other that our faith is nurtured and true discipleship happens. This takes place in Sunday School classes, small groups, Wednesday night suppers and by just caring for one another and doing life together. If you’ve been looking for a place to belong, a place to call home, a way to connect to something bigger than yourself, then welcome home!

LEARN Jesus’ Teachings and Way of Life: The word disciple literally means “student or learner.” At FBC we want learning to be both informational and transformational. This happens through preaching, teaching, instruction, Bible studies, conferences and resources. It also happens through mentoring and setting a godly example for others to follow. One of the main jobs of the church is to teach people Who Jesus is and then help them become more like Him.

WORSHIP God Sunday and Everyday: Worship is honoring God with our love, submission and praise. It is recognizing His priority and preeminence in our lives. We do this corporately in church through our prayers and praise, bringing our tithes and offerings, and through the preaching of God’s word. But worship is not only what we do at church on Sunday mornings, it is also about loving God and honoring Him in our everyday lives as well. The church is the vehicle and catalyst for all public and private worship.

SERVE Others By Meeting Their Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Needs: At FBC we believe Every Member is a Minister. God has given each of us resources and gifts to be used to further His kingdom and make the world a better place. Serving others may mean helping out right here in church teaching a class, running the sound, singing in the choir or in a 100 other ways. Or Serving may mean meeting other needs like feeding the poor or caring for orphans and widows, going on a mission trip, visiting the sick or imprisoned or helping a friend or family in a time of need. So whether you want to volunteer in the church or share the good news of Jesus with others around the globe, we want to equip and empower you to do it!

Connect, Learn, Worship and Serve. This is what we do!