Adult Ministry

We love children and youth at FBC, but adults are important too! In fact most of what we are able to do in and through the church is because we have a great congregation full of caring adults.

We never outgrow the need to Connect, Learn, Worship and Serve. So whatever your age, wherever you are on your spiritual journey we want you to know there is a place here for you! Check out some of the link below and find one thats right for you.

If you have questions or would like more information please contact or

Adult Ministry Programs

Sunday School: Sunday school meets from 9:30-10:20am. Enjoy Coffee, Conversation and Community in a small group setting perfect for growing your faith and fellowship. Sunday School has three goals: Connect, Teach and Care for people. Click here to learn more!

Prayer Meeting: Each Wednesday night at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall we go over the prayer needs of our church and community and spend time in prayer. We pray for our staff, programs events and mission partners. We pray for members in nursing homes and assisted living and those who are homebound. We also pray for our members who are sick or recovering. And from time to time world events and other local needs.

This time of prayer is important for the success and growth of our church and its mission in the world. Pastor and author Max Lucado wrote “Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One Who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

If you would like to receive a prayer sheet via email or have a prayer concern listed on our prayer sheet email Misty at

Wednesday Night Bible Study: This is a mid-week chance to connect with other adults and study the Bible. Come for supper at 5:00pm, then stick around for Prayer Meeting at 6:00pm. Then while your kids or students are in AWANA’s, CrossOver or Tribe or your spouse is in choir, take some time out for yourself and have your own small group Bible Study. There are two options to choose from. One study for older adults led by Dave Johnson and one study for younger adults led by Dana Wiggins. For more information just come by for Wednesday night Supper and ask somebody or contact Misty at the church office or call 423-442-4544.

WMU: The Women’s Missionary Union (or WMU) was founded in 1888, WMU is a missions organization that has educated and involved generations upon generations in Christian missions. Our purpose—to challenge Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. At WMU women pray for, support and engage in missions as well as support the work of the church and the denomination.

The WMU spearhead many missions efforts such as the Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Mission Offerings, The Golden State Mission Offerings, Operation Christmas Child and other local mission needs.

We have two WMU groups that meet at FBC. The first group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 10:00am. Another group called “My Mondays” meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:00pm.

To learn more about the national WMU organization click here.

Upcoming Adult Ministry Events

November 2024
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