Awana is a nondenominational children’s ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and training them to serve Him.  Children learn and recite Bible verses each week and study God’s word. Each age appropriate club incorporates a listening time, council time and game time each week. We meet each Wednesday night from 6:00 – 7:45, August – May.  If you have questions or would like more information please contact Janean Watson at

3 & 4 year old boys and girls meet in the Children’s Worship Center upstairs in “The Attic” at 6:00 and then break out into their own group until 7:45

Kindergarten boys and girls meet in the Children’s Worship Center upstairs in “The Attic” at 6:00 and then break out into their own group until 7:45. Kindersparks is a sub category of the Sparks Club

1st & 2nd grade boys and girls meet in the Children’s Worship Center upstairs in “The Attic” at 6:00 and then break out into their own group until 7:45

3rd & 4th grade boys and girls meet in the Children’s Worship Center upstairs in “The Attic” at 6:00 and then break out into their own group until 7:45. Truth & Training clubs break out into a sub group of boys and girls

AWANA Awards Ceremony

In May of each year, All Awana clubs gather in the FBC sanctuary to celebrate the achievements of each club.  Parents are able to see their kids receive awards followed by a celebration for families whether it’s an ice cream party, entertainer or outside event.

Awana Registration Form
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Medical Consent:

  • The above named participant and the legal custodian thereof, hereby consent to the participation in the before-referenced activity conducted under the sponsorship of First Baptist Church, Madisonville, TN, an incorporated organization; its agent, servant, and member. In making such consent, participant and custodian acknowledge that they understand that there are risks to both persons and property associated with engaging in such activity, and they hereby consent to assume such risk.

    In consideration of granting First Baptist Church, its agents, servants, and members for the participation in such activity by participant and custodian hereby, release and exonerate First Baptist Church, its agents, servants, and members from any and all liability of every nature and kind pertaining to such activity or the participation therein by participants. Participant and custodian expressly covenant not to sue and do herby waive and relinquish whatever right either may have or which otherwise might accrue against First Baptist Church, its agents, servants, and members by virtue of the sponsorship and supervision of such activity and the participation therein by participant.

    Participant and custodian herby authorize and consent to any x-ray examination, anesthesia, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care to be rendered to participant under the general or special supervision, and on the advice of a licensed physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, dentist, or other qualified medical personnel acting under their supervision.

    The consent, waiver, and release provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of revocation or withdrawal is received by First Baptist Church at its office of 139 College Street, Madisonville,, TN 37354.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY